Observations and Comments
The children we ran across often seemed to speak English. It's a
required course in school. They were thrilled to speak to us.
Everybody seemed very friendly. Many people waved at us.
Egypt is a third world country. It was interesting that when we
got out of the city most men wore native garb.
College girls and other younger women wore colorful head
scarves, tight pants and nice shoes. Rather modern looking.
We only saw a couple true burkas - even the eyes are covered.
Egypt seemed quite safe but we were mainly in controlled
situations and often with security. We never walked the streets
on our own. Though they appeared safe.
The tallest pyramid is Khufu at Giza - 455 ft built in 2560 BC.
The tallest building in San Jose is 286 ft.
There were bathroom attendants nearly everywhere and they
expected tips. Usually a pound was ok ~ 50ยข
Most buildings have a forest of various size satellite dishes.
We were told if you have three antennas you can get over a
thousand channels for free.
Not a safety belt in sight. I wonder if their vehicles even have